GSP講演会 Marriage Equality and LGBTQ+ Rights(オンライン開催 要申込)

今回は、Marriage Equalityの共同創設者であるルイス氏とガフニー氏をお招きし、アメリカにおける結婚の平等とLGBTQ+の最新の状況をお話いただきます。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。

Lecture Title 講演会タイトル
Marriage Equality and LGBTQ+ Rights: Latest Developments
Lecturers 講師
Mr. John Lewis (Lawyer) and Mr. Stuart Gaffney (University of California, San Francisco)
John Lewis and his husband Stuart Gaffney have been two of the leaders of the marriage equality movement for 18 years. Together as a couple for 35 years, they were two of the plaintiffs in the historic 2008 lawsuit that brought marriage equality to California. For years, they served as two of the directors of Marriage Equality USA, and John wrote briefs to the US Supreme Court in the 2013 and 2015 national marriage equality legal cases. Stuart and John have appeared in numerous media outlets worldwide, including CNN, the New York Times, and the Asahi Shimbun. They were also two of the founders of Asian Pacific Islander Equality. For the last eight years, they have been regular guest lecturers at Tokyo Gakugei University, where John will be a visiting scholar this fall.
Stuart and John continue education work in the US, Japan, and around the world through their organization Marriage Equality. Stuart currently works at the UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies and is a graduate of Yale University. John is a lawyer and a graduate of Stanford Law School.
Date 日程
Saturday, July 9, 2022 2022年7月9日(土)
Time 時間
10:00–11:30 am (Japan time 日本時間)
Schedule スケジュール
10:00–10:40 Lecture by Mr. Lewis and Mr. Gaffney
10:40–11:00 Question and Answer Session
11:00–11:30 Discussion with students
*The schedule may be subject to change. 当日のスケジュールは変更となる場合もあります。
Language 言語
English 英語
Audience 対象
Anyone who is interested in the topic 講演会のテーマに関心のある方
Venue 場所
Online (Zoom) オンライン(Zoom)
Fee 参加費
Free 無料
How to sign-up 申込方法
For students, staff, and faculty of Kobe University, please refer to the Bulletin board - event of Uribo-net to sign up.
For others, please send an email to the GSP office, Kobe University, with the following information.
その他の方は、下記の情報を添えてGSPオフィスまでメールでお申し込みください。(GSP Office: gsp-info [at] fgh [dot] kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
  • Subject 件名: Sign-up for the lecture on July 9 7月9日講演会申し込み
    1. Your Name お名前
    2. Affiliation (Name of your department and university or company etc.) ご所属(大学・学部名、会社名など)
We will send you a Zoom link on July 8 by email.
Your personal information will be used only for the event management.
Sign-up Deadline 申込締切
Thursday, July 7, 2022 2022年7月7日(木)
Contact 問い合わせ
篠原華子(神戸大学国際人間科学部GSPオフィス)gsp-info [at] fgh [dot] kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
Global Studies Program Office, Faculty of Global Human Sciences, Kobe University